What Is good mental health?

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What is Good Mental Health- We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Our mental health is how’s we’re feeling inside, or how we are emotionally. It’s a bit like our internal weather system.

Our mental health is at least as important as our physical health. It affects our daily lives . It affects our ability to do the things we need and want to do,

Another way to think about our mental health is like thinking about the weather. As the seasons change, the weather does too. There are bright and sunny days which make us feel happy and want to do things like going outdoors. However on other days the weather can change to darker, rainy days, where you don’t feel like leaving the house. Like the weather, your mental health can go through periods of positive and bright bursts of energy, it can also dip and drag you down a darker road. You may feel tired and lack motivation or energy to do simple things, such as getting out of bed or getting on with your day.

What affects our mental health?

Our mental health may change because of situations we’re in, things we’re doing and things beyond our control, including other people, our physical health, our finances and even the weather and world affairs.

All of us are affected by what happens to us, past and present. Things that happened even many years ago can affect our mental health today, for better or for worse

Good Health

When our mental health is good, we feel good inside. We might feel calm or content, peaceful, hopeful and accepting of ourselves and valued by the people who matter to us.

Having good mental health makes life easier. It helps us to calm and comfort ourselves when we’re upset. It helps us cope with the losses, changes, fears and uncertainties in life. To make and keep good relationships with other people.

Having good mental health does not mean feeling good all the time. We all have our downs and ups. Life is full of unavoidable risks, worries andm losses, which affect everyone. Sometimes difficult feelings pass quickly and we bounce back. Sometimes we struggle for much longer. This can happen to any of us.

Poor Health

When our mental health is not so good, life feels more of a struggle. We might often feel sad or tearful. We might feel hopeless and exhausted. We might feel under stress, or often worried about bad things happening to us or people we care about. All of these are very common experiences and reactions.

Feeling like this for a while could be a sign that something else in our lives is wrong, or that we need help with Depression for example. It is also a natural reaction, Ito loss or shock, such as bereavement, unemployment, divorce or a serious health problem.

Some things are easier to change and some problems may be beyond our control. Sometimes we need help, with our mental health or with the situations causing us to struggle. For instance, debt or relationship problems. In these situations, the sooner we get support, the better